ive decided to bring my siblings and have a treat of karaoke'ing together since the last few weeks, they have begged me to bring them karaoke'ing. so since dah gaji and dah lama tak pergi karaoke, i tot..why not?
journey was super breeze eventho it was my first time going to Wangsa Walk alone. Driving, i mean. Ikut Jalan Jelatek and it was easy peasy, all with the help of the map yang dilukis oleh Big Sis..siap ada lukis2 buildings semua..huhu..colour and nama building pun siap ada. bagus betul. heh~
so we've decided to go to Superstar Karaoke, one of the newest karaoke port in wangsa walk.

erin told me that her friend said that the rate is cheaper as compared to KTV.
later, i was informed that the rate is as according to the size of the room, and not per head. baguslah. so we took one of the packages which are offered there..3 hours plus one jug of coke for the amount of rm88..oklah tu kot considering that we didn't have to wait for long to get a room.

me with ana and adik
our room is tiny but just nice to sumbatkan all four of us. for song choices, superstar karaoke uses touch screen instead of using a remote control, so that was a major plus for us. the songs are kinda updated and we were thrilled as we get the chance to sing most of our usual sing-along songs..huhu
the screen

gambar wajib
we went berserk and nyanyi gila2. let loose all the way..semua aksi, semua genre lagu, semuanyaaaa belasah n main taram je..haha..sampaikan masa nyanyi lagu inul, ulek-something-amendetah-tajuknye tu n while i was trying to imitate the gelek gerudi n goyang montot ala-ala beyonce tu, i was shocked to see that ada org yg lalu lalang luar our room yang actually stopped and stare at me through the glass window! ahahahah. it was so funny sbb terkantoi buat aksi2 buruk..huhu..wonder if they have installed CCTV inside the room? kalau ada, malu gile okkk! hoho
half way along the way, i felt so hungry that i had to order nasi lemak from Superstar Karaoke. it was just a normal nasi lemak, the kind that u can find at 7-11. bought it for rm2.50, kinda cheap but not worth it. harap telur je kasi sebijik, the rest...5 kali ngap dah habis kot
continued singing our heart out until my throat sakit and takde suara dah

7.30, we were out. walked a lil bit around Wangsa Walk, noticed that dah semakin byk shops there. then, blk.
initially, we decided to eat out in ampang point but knowing that the parking dekat ampang point sux at that point of hour, we ended up havng dinner at Banana Cafe instead
i had nasi padprik and share tomyam dengan adik. top it off with air fresh orange. delish. huhu
blk rumah, siap2..n he came n picked me up. off to Lea's hse, changed mag and off to Cineleisure.
Since hari tu ticket tgk cirq-amende-tajuknye-tu burnt coz we were stuck in the traffic on new year's eve and couldt see it, so that nite he treated me to that show. kira, byr balas dendam la ni. huhu
show was at 12.20am. we were there at 10ish. to kill the time, went to starbuck, had my blended caramel frap, n chocolate cake...

the movie was so-so..i was sleepy and i think i slept 5 mins kot..orang sebelah slept and even snored! haha
movie ended, blkla rumah.... :)
today, cut my hair..been contemplating of cutting my hair dekat salon yg kat atas apg pt tu, Colours n curls. ever since i saw maria farida the actress set her hair dekat situ, all the more determine i was of having a hair cut there.. normally, i buat threading je but today decided to cut my hair there and thank god there were not many ppl. just me and one lady there
the girl who blow dried my hair comel n cun. couldnt take my eyes of her. apakah? haha

tu dia..huhu

gila sedih je muka..huhu

end result? i like it. the girl blow my hair superbly, left the salun with my bouncy hair lookin all shiny and sleek. huhu. definitely will go there again. cuma the guy who cuts my hair.. i think he took about 5 mins je. i was expecting more from him but takpela. the result was sorta satisfying still =)
huhu. blk makan KFC ramai dekat rumah..weee
okies. daaaa
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