Thursday, January 21, 2010

down weyh

......down down downnn...

think the song of my life right now would be 'DOWN' from that indian guy..jay sean ke?..whatever his name is



for lunch today, ate nasi lemak mama. gila sedap mama punya sambal petai. nyum2. sampai menjilat sudu. huhu. erk, just hope that whoever goes to the toilet after me do not complain abt any smells..particularly the smell of petai..haha

hm, today i need to go to puchong. AT 6. boleh cacat otak ku kalau begini la hari-hari. bleurgh

lagi2 kalau dapat dokumen lambat. just imagine if signing is scheduled at 6pm, i wud only get the document at 5.15. and to be at the federal highway at 5-6 pm is just simply F*CKISH..if ever ada word tu dlm dictionary

i must have not done something to receive all these bad lucks..

ye ye, solat kena jaga

but i know that there is sth else..puasa nazar? ive forgotten abt that. act, i need to byr puasa nazar for 2 days. n its all because of him. dem u. huhu

the other day, there was a meeting with client at tony romas, pavi. the new york steak wasnt yummy as compared to the curve's. was slightly smaller n..what eh? tak sedap la, to conclude

but its not the steak that i was and am frustrating abt. it is sth else. sth else that made me really spiritless to go to work anymo..


just see how long can i struggle and stand despite all these 'lalats' and 'angin belantara' and ...whatever la..

merepek je post ni

tapi hati dah terkecik, mcm mana?


nak nangis


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