today is tiring as well.
but then again, bila je tak penat?
even hari bersuka ria pun, bila balik rumah je rasa macam malas nak mandi n nak terus tido, boleh?
today, had to go to Klang for signing but the customer made a last minute cancellation. naturally, if i was alone at that time, of course i will be pissed..but this time, i wasnt alone. had someone to accompany me. such a sweet darling, she is :)
okla..i really dont have anything exciting to blog abt. n plus, dont have the mood. wanna go sleep early as tomorrow have to rise a bit early. cant wait for Anamoxx to end her 1 week torture, so to speak. haha. then again, she'll get around $300 for being a durn blur receptionist in a multi-national communication company
i mean, for picking up and answering calls and doing other petty works that pay u $300 per week, sape tanak kan?
I NAK! huhu
cant wait for her to get her salary coz she promised me a movie and a MC-D Prosperity set once she gets her salary. weeeee :)
tapi mcm boring je nanti takde sapa nak teman gi kerja
before im off, just wanna share my 4yr old niece's creativity. Aeisya ni suka melukis..
one nite, ive stumbled upon one of her paintings...

Aeisya's Mama and Baba...andd, err..a cat?

Aeisya's Baba. Wambut dia ada 6 helai je. Baba dia kan in real life mcm ala-ala takde wambut..Huhuhuhu...Omaigod, see the leg, haha. Tangan dia mcm papan kayu yg patah

This is her mama.
Witness her innocence and her great love for her mama by looking at the crown atas kepala tu. Probably she thinks her mama is a princess. Awwww :)
See the hair. mana ada org rambut mcm tu beb. One of a kind. haha.
Ouh and the baju kembang2 mcm tu coz she is always talking about princess and the gown.
So i guess the kembang part is equivalent to a princess' gown. Siannnnyaaaa, i know how she longs for one. Nanti k Aeisya, ada cukup duit Auntie Ti belikan :(

emmm, ni ape ek? hahaha.. a cat, i hope? so comel :)
looking at Aeisya, i really hope that she never grows old. i hope that she maintains her age, be the cute and bubbly and chirpy and huggable and lovable and ....too many words to describe her.

i just love her cute voice waking us up every morning, and how she greets me by jerit-jerit everytime i balik keje. hilang semua stress :)
and her never ending 'why' and 'kenapa'...sikit2, why auntie ti...kenapa..kenapa dia mcm tu auntie ti...y like that? huhu
saw my Big Sis's (her mama) update in Facebook :-
''how do u answer a 4yr old kid a pondan's gender???''
haha..mcm mana nak jawap tu?
the other day, erin told me that Aeisya has asked her mama whats carrot in b.m. i was like, 'nooo, she didnt actually ask that, did she'?
it was also blogged by her mama, and that was where i get to know the story. her actual word was..
Mama...carrot tu lobak merah ke lobak orange??"
[courtesy from Big Sis's blog --->]
boleh? camno nak jawap tu? huhu
i cant wait for the day she will asks her mama...
'mama..where do babies come from'
whatever it is, Auntie Ti loves aeisya soooooo bery-bery-beryyyy much.... :)

adios. sleep time
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