What a whirlwind year for me..2009
The highlight of the year would be when i quit my job and moved to a new firm with bigger salary, new field of work and new acquaintances..
Challenging as it is, but i survived. Still breathing. Heh~
Health wise, ok2 la. Relationship? Still the same. Ups and downs, be it with the family and friends. And .... Huhu
Let seee,
Maybe i can summarize 2009 :-
1. Watch P Ramlee the musical & Natrah. Best2!
2. Curl my hair (was actually Japanese curl yg tah pape) and rebonding it back again in within 2 mths!!!wooii, rosak rambut aku
3. Raya in Terengganu and Kota Bharu and first time gave duit raya to cousins..HUHU
4. Celebrated bday at Genting. Beriya naik bas pagi2 but was there for about half a day sbb boring.huhu
5. Oh n got beaten out of client for what had happened on my bday wic i dont know of n tetiba had to take the blame but few days later they apologized and said i was doing them a good service n begged not to quit. Hoh! Too bad, suckers!!
6. Family 'discussion' that went heated then awry then serene then content..huhu
7. N i think, last year marked a more 'family time' compared to any years kot
8. 2 years n going..miracle kan
9. Pencuri masuk rumah n how me n Big Sis shouted like hell...Haha..Kalah jantan..Macho gile kiteorg jerit sampai neighbours sume kuar rumah..wuwuwu
10. Ape lagi? tah tak ingat..
Semlm treated the family dekat Sate Kajang. And bought presents for Aeisya and Eusoff- that was honestly the best part :)
Mlm, sangkut dekat jam near The Curve. Omg, i will vow never to go out every new year eve. Huhu. Every single time ckp mcm tu but same thing every year.. thing which happened yg i think left me thinking was that when the clock struck midnite yesterday and we were still on the Duke Highway, i'd stumbled upon my long-lost-crush from my yesteryearsssss....!! Ingat lagi sanggup bangun kul 12 tgh mlm semata2 nak tgk ulangan AF2 n tgk muka diaaaa...ahahahahaha...budus
Then again,i was sgt2 teruja, i tell u..Haha...At first, ingat jinjang mana tah ni dengan rambut siap highlight blonde nye...he was driving his sleek black Fair Lady with the top down and isap okok ala2 nak buat video clip and i was prettaayyyy sure that he knew lotsa ppl were lookin at him sepanjang2 perjalanan tu. Mind u, byk kete stop kat highway tu kan sbb nak tgk fireworks.

managed to take a pic of his car eventho it was a bit blurry
And when our cars were right side by side with each other n when i had REAAALLYYY looked at himmm, i was likeeee, shrieking...
OOOOMAIIIIIIIGAWDDDDDDDD!!! (dgn degungan ada qalqalah kecil..huhu)
there, right smacked on my face was long lost lover...( if)

Thinking back, mcm mana la i boleh minat kat mamat ni?...hahaha..i know my sibling would go eewww when they're reading this post..tapi that was THEN..
tapi kan tetibe i terfikir, is this a sign from God? Like, i have many theories pursuant to my discoveries mlm tu..
1-My husband nama dia ADAM?
2-Or nama dia start dgn hurup 'A'?
3-Or i will marry a guy yg ada FAIR LADYYYYY??? (haha, nak yang best2 je)
whatever it is, what an encounter to end 2009 and what a kickstart for 2010 kan? meeting ur old crush even if he doesnt even know u exist..huhu..yg tak bestnya was that we didnt manage to watch cirq-amenda-tah-nama-film-tu coz the movie was at 12.20am and we were still stuck dkt jam at 12.30. so burn la ticket tu..
Anyways, am going karaokeing with sibling after this..N am contemplating of cutting my hair. Yes/No? Hmm..tgk budget..
End note, hope 2010 will make me richer, stronger, prettier..huhu
My reso -
1. Braces
2. Tiffany charm bracelet
3. Vacay to somewhere exotic
4. Kumpul 10k by Dec'2010
5. hmmm..ape lagi
6. oklaaaaaaaa, nak kuruskan bdn (every year pun sama..hoh!)
Bye-bye :)
1 comment:
euwwwww!!! adam????? euwwww!!!
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