did not blog for few days now
just wana post few pix
last weekend punya activities, had lunch at Johnny's at OU. had our usual, steamboat

fried khailan with oyster sause eaten with white rice. simply marvelous

steamboat. now you see it

now u dont. huhuhu

my desert..
jalan-jalan, saw this shop jual candy

this guy is in the process of making it

huhu. he caught us taking his picture

the cutting process
at nite, dinner at warisan johor. had briyani gam daging

had a big portion of rice. gila byk. had sate somemore but forgotten to take pic

top it off with air bandung. oh heaven =)
next activity, went to KLCC but i really couldnt remember the day exactly.

Big Sis wanted to search for cardigans at MNG for her Langkawi trip, so i tagged along

had my eyes for the charm bracelet. second option next to my dream Tiff & Co. huhu
few days ago, i had several mental and physical challenges, my patience was REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY tested and it revolved mostly on the road..

GAWD!! sabar je lahhh.
i was lost on my way to Menara Star, next to Eastin Hotel (god how i hate that building now) which resulted in me breaking down in my car, shouted at someone (so sorry =( ) and cancelled my appointment with a client's customer. so unprofessional. but come to think of it, I WAS LOST, damn it. AT LEAST I TRIED. it wasnt like i didnt make any effort. ANDDDD, to make matters worst, i was given the documents late. bleurghh..not that i need to justify myself...(but i did feel guilty)...hmm, whateverrr la
on a brighter note..
TODAY..after a gruesome and heated oink-oink moment (haha..) we finally had our meal at Pizza Hut. =)

my desert..delish =)
okies, daaaa
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