but today, saya tersentak. i didnt know how selfish i am till it happened today
went to Mydin and saw this
omg. terliur. been so long I've had grapes. the big bulat and juicy grapes were soooo damn menggiurkan dan menggoda. slurpp
so, ive bought it at rm2+
went home, put it in the fridge and continued surfing. i felt a sudden thirst and went to the refridgerator and took out the cold water bottle and had a sip. Yuli (Aeisya's babysitter cum maid) was there too with my niece, Aeisya.
"Kak eti, ni siapa punya ni"..she took out the fruits.
"Saya. Nape?"
"Aeisya nak"..
Saw my 5 year old niece looking at me with pleading eyes..
My mind began contemplating and tried to find excuses.
"Em Aeisya, tunggu eh. Biar die sejuk dulu.""But Aeisya nak grapes, Auntie Ti.." Aeisya pleaded
"Nanti la sya. Biar grapes tu grow dulu k.Dia small lagi...." Said that. I did feel guilty but shook it off. Continued surfing
How selfish was i? Did i forget she's my niece?My own flesh and blood?Tskk
And later, this happened..
I was eating nasi lemak which my sister bought and was too engrossed surfing the internet. Aeisya came to me and handed me a thing while munching something. When I saw what it was..it was this

She had even took out the cover for me and put it in my plate. She remembered me. She is selfless. Her simple act make me shuddered.
I was selfish. She was not :(
Somebody please shoot me!
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