as expected, me and him dont celebrate V-Day..
cant remember if ive ever been given any flowers or bears or whatever that guys give their girls on that konon special day...
pernah ke? jap pk...mmm, if i recall, adala dapat bunga but that wasnt on V-day..or was it? tak ingat dah
anyhoo, nanti cite pasal CNY and V-day..
these pics have been longg forgotten in my BB..thought of posting them here but never had the chance, but always..dont have the mood..
these pics were taken on Hari Wilayah..ive decided to go out with moi family coz he's not around as he has to be in Pasir Gudang..
breakfast first..yeayy..finally i had the honour (ceh, 'the honour' tuu..mcm makan dgn Judge lak) to pekena roti canai Mak Jah yang ever sooo popular tu..

the taste?..sedap..lembut...tapi kecik..n pricey..RM1 for that small roti canai which can be eaten for 5 bites..worth it if sekali sekala la.
then, sementara waiting for aeisya, lepak dkt kedai Pak Ngah,,my uncle..kena tanya soalan popular iaitu bila nak kawen..huhu..ponek da nak jawap :)
after picking up aeisya from her kindie, straight to Ikea, Mutiara Damansara...

aeisya feeling mcm katil sendiri..

bila da jumpa meja, kerusi, pensil dan kertas...alamatnyeee..terpaksela duk la kat ikea sampai esok

eusoff pun feeling sorang2..huhu
ada ciri-ciri keibuan kan kan..huhu

kunun2 cute si wood-wood ni

eusoff exsaited

malas nak rotate this pic..huhu


tak sedap sgt coz the noodle was a bit tiny for my liking. lagi sedap makan kat tepi jalan je kot
then balikk...
oh, ada satu haritu..i think it was on friday n my sistas n Yuli went to Time Square after i balik kerja..erin rebonded her hair which looked like papan..haha..while ana coloured her hair..budak2 zaman skarang mmg tak appreciate natural beauty..huhu
me n yuli took the train n waited for ana n erin at Putra LRT hang tuah..n after that we WALKED all the way to TS..haha..but it was fun coz there were not many ppl as ppl have already taken their leaves ro go back to their kampung for CNY..

jalan2, beli belah, then balik naik cab which costs us RM4.50 sorang
on Saturday, went to Cineleisure and watched movie with him. tgk Percy Jackson and lightning-whatever-idontcare tu..
movie tah hape2..ditambah lagi dengan adanya mangkuk ni depan kitaorg..

nak tgk rambut ke nak tgk movie?????
aku potong rambut kau baru kau tahu..hohhh!
on CNY + V-Day, me n my siblings went karaokeing..this one special sikit coz we had special guests joining us iaitu Ewan, Abg Zaidi, Eni n my lil aeisya..hahaha...took up larger room plus two popcorns which costs us RM23 sorang but it was worth it coz we sang our heart out for 3 1/2 hours..
oh..n it was FREE..papa kasi duit n abg zaidi blanja sikit..huhu..bliss

3 budak kepala sewel

gamba wajib kena ade..

si rambut wood-wood..huhu

ewan and adik posing je lebih

aeisya meragam sebab tak dapat nyanyi lagu die

gamba terpakse diterbalikkan takut ade org mati tersedak tgk gamba ini...haha
then on tuesday, 16th tu..we watched valentines day..gilela dugaan nak tgk cite ni..bape kali attempt tah...asyik nak tunggu release je..beratur tah bape kali..kena wat muka tebal lak tu tanya 'release ticket dah kua ke?'..which always disambut dengan gelengan n 'no'....
and in the end, dapatt jugak tgk...nasib baik it was worth it..
but something spoilt my mood

bodohla..whats with guys with tinggi-tinggi hair? ko ingat ko hensem ke wat rambut camtu..sabar je laa
padan muka ada kena amek picture dengan flash..
mental note : next time kena bawak gunting pabila pergi menonton...
okies daaaa
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